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Doctor Psycho Threes Again

Under 18s, Nazis and others who have no business being on BDSMLR have no business being on my blog. Duh. I have NEVER violated BDSMLR's ToS, but two of my blogs have been deleted in the last month. That makes me really sad, since indulging in Maledom fantasies of Amitery, Exec2Sec, superheroines in peril, the Academy for Difficult Girls, &c., at BDSMLR is one of the only outlets I have as I look after my wife as she dies from cancer. I'm pretty sure both times my blog was deleted, it was because I said something less than fucking worshipful about donald trump. I guess the trumpery are getting antsy as the evidence of his guilt piles higher and stinks louder. BTW, if donald is YOUR God-Emperor, just set your filter to block all posts tagged #Politics. Or better yet, don't visit this blog. I have no use for any of y'all anti-American fucks anyway.
